Let’s Worship and Serve the Lord Together!

Welcome to St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church.

Welcome, those who’ve got it all together and a special welcome to those, like us, who don’t.

Welcome if you are uncertain, uncomfortable, or “just browsing.” And welcome if you are strong in your faith.

Welcome if you aren’t familiar with “church” and don’t know when to stand. And welcome, too, if you are more Lutheran than Lake Wobegon.

Know that your uniqueness is seen and valued, and we’re glad you’re here.

Know that you are outrageously, abundantly, and radically loved by God.

In this start of our 100th year, it’s only fitting to learn more of God’s story. God’s story in the Scriptures guides our lives, teaches us, renews us, and draws us closer to Him. To equip us, this month we’ll begin the “E100 Challenge.” The E100 is a list of 100 essential Bible lessons from creation to Revelation that we’ll join together in enjoying. 

Learn more…