Oink! Moo! Cheep! Baa! Bleat! Buzz! What’s going on around St. Paul this fall? It’s all part of God’s Global Barnyard. The children’s regular Sunday School offerings and their extra giving from now through mid-December are going toward an ELCA Good Gifts purchase of farm animals and other items for people to help combat hunger in poor countries. Anyone in the congregation is welcome to contribute, too. Some of the animals available are chicks, piglets, goats, honeybees, share of a cow, and roosters. In addition to animals, water filters, farm tools, solar powered lamps, mosquito nets, fruit trees, soap and sanitation supplies, seeds and gardening tools, school supplies and more are also available. We will have special little pink piggy banks available for the Sunday School youth and also for congregation members who would also like to help with the project. Empty out those pockets, check under the sofa cushions, shake those purses…it all adds up. Contact Carole if you have any questions. Let’s “pack those pigs” and help alleviate world hunger.